Calgary Co-op is one of North America’s largest member-owned, locally operated retail cooperatives, governed by a Member-elected Board of Directors.
Each fall, Calgary Co-op invites its Member-Owners to stand for election to the Board of Directors.
All who meet the qualifying criteria may go forward on the election ballot in the new year. Together as Members, we make the final decision about who is elected.
The nomination and election process helps our Calgary Co-op achieve strong and balanced leadership with the right mix of skills, experience and attributes.
The results of the 2025 Director Election will be announced at the Annual General Meeting on April 10th.
Each year, interested nominees can run to sit on the Board of Directors.
Information on compensation and qualifying criteria for nominees.
All those who look to become a member of the Board must also adhere to Calgary Co-op’s Code of Conduct and uphold Calgary Co-op’s core values.